Sister Stories, Vaginismus

My Body Won’t Let Me Have Sex: The Spell Of Vaginismus

Vaginismus. Personally, I think it sounds like a magic spell from a movie when you first hear it… Yet for the most part, women going through it will tell you first-hand that vaginismus is more like a curse. Vaginismus refers to the spasm of your pelvic muscles during any kind of penetrative act. It cannot …

Products, Self-Pleasure, Vaginismus

Care For A Minty Gum For Your Clitoris?

For many vulva owners struggling with painful sex and vaginismus in particular, a daily practice with dilators is often part of the healing journey… *If you’re asking yourself “What are dilators?”, you might first want to read about how dilating can help on your journey in healing vaginismus. But minty gum?! Let me back up …

Kegels, Products, Vaginismus

The Dangers Of Kegel Exercises

Has YOUR medical professional told you to do your kegels? Before you follow their advice, I urge you to consider a few important factors… Because doing kegel exercises when your pelvic floor is not ready for them can actually INCREASE your pelvic pain! Since standard kegel exercises (and kegel exerciser balls) aim to strengthen the …

In The Media, Inner Work, Products, Vaginismus

Painful Sex And The Medical Community

Experiences are the essence of life and wisdom… That’s why I urge you to seek out mentors in life, seek those people who are further ahead on the same path you’re on. People who have been where you are now. And have moved ahead with joy and excitement. People with relevant experience! And there are …

Inner Work, Products, Self-Pleasure, Trigger Point Release, Vaginismus

Crystals For Pelvic Pain Healing And Trigger Point Release

Life is jam-packed with emotions! You experience traumatic events in life, and your stores emotions and memories from them within yourself… These trapped emotions impact you in VERY real ways years after the initial trauma. That phenomenon is at the crux of vaginismus. After your brain creates an association of penetration to pain, you’re left …

Dilating, Products, Trigger Point Release, Vaginismus

What Is Internal Trigger Point Release Of The Pelvic Floor?

How quickly when you get a kink in your neck do you notice it? Pretty immediately right? I mean, it SCREAMS for attention. If you sleep wrong and wake up with a sore neck, you’d take action and give yourself a well-deserved massage, am I right? Or use your puppy eyes and ask your partner …