Dilating, Products, Self-Pleasure, Vaginismus

Next-Level Orgasms

Exploring the pleasure potential of your body is a huge part of the path to overcoming vaginismus and claiming your sexual liberation! From the 3 Pillars of Putting Vaginismus In Your Past: The second pillar all about your unique erotic wiring is often overlooked by our traditional medical community.. It’s no wonder – we all …

Dilating, Products, Self-Pleasure, Vaginismus

Arm Yourself With Tools From Brands I Trust On Black Friday 2024

Over the last 5 years of supporting fellow vaginismus sisters in claiming their sexual liberation, I’ve gotten familiar with various incredible sexual health and wellness brands! I’ve compiled a list of trusted brands and the Black Friday deals you can be on the look-out for. Feel free to message me @vaginismus.sisters on Instagram if you’re …

Dilating, Products

Intimidated By Dilators? Start With These

I imagine you’re here because you’ve heard of dilators.. But quite frankly wish you hadn’t.. Not only because they’re associated with an incredibly tough journey that your body has forced you to embark on, but also because they don’t seem welcoming or pleasant in any way! Yeah, dilators don’t give out that cute or playful …

Inner Work, Sister Stories, Vaginismus

I Made A Promise To Love My Body: Eden’s Story

“I have been dealing with vaginismus for roughly two and a half years now. This is a condition that involves a painful contraction of the muscles of the vagina in response to penetration. Many describe this pain as a tearing sensation or as though there is an impenetrable wall inside the vagina. In my personal …

Testimonials, Vaginismus

There Is Deep Meaning And Purpose In The Symptoms We Experience

I have been on a journey with vaginismus for almost two years. It felt like I’d read everything on the internet that I could possibly find about it, and nothing really resonated much… until I was divinely guided to Katrin and her work.  Getting the space to have a consultation 1-on-1 with Katrin was a …

Depression, Inner Work, Relationships, Sister Stories, Vaginismus

Heartbreak: Lannee’s Story

Hi. I’m Lannee. And in August of this year, I had my heart broken.It is now November, and the pain has only gotten worse.  Mornings and evenings are very hard to get through. Usually evenings, but lately mornings have been extremely tough on me. Waking up is hard. Falling asleep is even harder.  I try to …

Testimonials, Vaginismus

I Felt Understood And Safe From The Beginning

I found out I’m experiencing vaginismus a month ago after having PIV sex for the first time a few months back. I was in pain all the time, but thought it was normal at the beginning. My boyfriend suggested I’d get this pain investigated as he kept saying it wasn’t normal and, mostly, it wasn’t …